Hello there! Well, I'm attempting this blog thing for the first time in my life, so this whole experience should be interesting for everyone. Something I've learned on while being on a mission is that I get to do a lot of things I never thought I'd do before. But this should be good. I'm going to begin this post by explaining who I am and why I'm here. I'm a daughter of God and I'm here because he sent me to learn and grow. Haha! Just kidding, I didn't mean it in that way, although that is true, we are all children of God and we are all here because our life in mortality is part of His great plan of happiness. But I won't get into that just yet.
My name is Sister LaJeunesse. I am a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Part of my assignment as a missionary is to use the internet as a source of teaching the message of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ. Because our Heavenly Father loves us so much, he's provided many ways for all of us, His children, to receive the fulness of the everlasting gospel, the internet is one of those tools.
Being a missionary for Christ's church has meant everything to me. I love that I have the oppotunity to be around my brothers and sisters and help them find the true happiness the gospel brings. The gospel brings so much light and hope in a world of darkness and despair. I know that as we center our lives around Christ and His teachings, we will feel our Savior's love and mercy more in our lives and we will be given added strength to overcome the trials of life. I know this is the true church of Jesus Christ. It's set up exactly as Christ had established when He was on the earth. I know He head the church today and reveals His truths to a living prophet. I know the Book of Mormon to be true. I know it has the power to change the life of a willing heart. I know God lives and He loves us. He wants the best for us, I honestly and truely believe this. The more we can come to accept His will for us, the happier we will be in life. And that's what God wants for us, to be happy. "Adam fell that men might be; and men are, that they might have joy." 2 Nephi 2:25
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